Diversity and Racial Equity Resources

The National Association for Geriatrics Education stands in support of the urgent movement to put an end to long standing racial injustice. We stand with others to put an end to racial inequities in opportunity, health, well-being, and safety. We are committed to supporting the training of a healthcare workforce for older adults that is both diverse and ready to provide culturally competent care that actively and urgently addresses disparities in care. These disparities are evident in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which further highlight the great urgency in addressing longstanding, unacceptable, deeply rooted institutional racism that continues to threaten the health and safety of Black Americans as well as other racial and ethnic minorities.

Our members are actively working to address the health, social, and economic disparities that impact older adults in this country. The call to action is clear, and we all need to do more. We will work to support our members as they address racial inequities through geriatrics education and workforce development by providing opportunities to share best practices, resources, and opportunities for widespread and rapid dissemination of impactful work to those who urgently need it. In the near term, we are taking two initial actions as an organization: 1) NAGE will create a standing committee to focus on ways that our organization can help disseminate education that addresses racial inequities among older adults, promote increased diversity of the geriatrics workforce, and support public policy initiatives that address racism and health disparities. Please contact gwepinfo@n-age.org if you are interested in joining the standing committee. 2) We invite members to share any resources, training events, or curricula that address racism, cultural competence, workforce diversity, and/or health disparities that impact older adults. We will disseminate these to members and post tools, resources, and curricula to our website for members to share. These can be sent to gwepinfo@n-age.org.

NAGE Board of Directors

NAGE Webinars

Community, provider and health care interventions

  • Advocates for African American Elders
    Advocacy group for Los Angeles African American older adults
  •  BrainWorks Project. (2018) [VIDEO]
    How to improve Alzheimer’s education among African Americans.  
  • Can Age-Friendly Care Health Address Health Equity?
    (By IHI Multimedia Team, May 22, 2020) The 4Ms Framework for Age-Friendly Care — What Matters, Medication, Mentation, and Mobility.
  • Center for Diversity and International Programs
    An overview of the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Center for Diversity and International Programs.
  • Diverse Elder Coalition
    Website of the DEC which advocates for policies and programs that improve aging in racially and ethnically diverse communities including American Indian and Alaska Native
    Elders; Asian American, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian older adults; Black and African American older adults; Hispanic and Latinx older adults; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
    An overview of the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Center Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team.
  • Implicit Bias
    Part of a guide to reducing excuses for discrimination against Latinos and people of color, and people in poverty By Salud America! at the University of Texas Health San Antonio (GWEP)..  
  • Moral Disengagement
    Part of a guide to reducing excuses for discrimination against Latinos and people of color, and people in poverty by Salud America! at University of Texas Health San Antonio (GWEP). 
  • National Association for Community Health Workers
    Website of the National Association of Community Health Workers.
  • Project Implicit
    measures implicit attitudes and beliefs that people may be unwilling or unable to report using an Implicit Association Test (IAT) 
  • Racial Equity Toolkit: An Opportunity to Operationalize Equity
    A tool designed to integrate explicit consideration of racial equity in decisions, including policies, practices, programs, and budgets.
  • Racial Equity Tools
    This website offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for increasing personal understanding and helping work toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large. Produced by the Center for Assessment and Policy Development, MP Associations and World Trust Educational Services.
  • System Justification 
    Part of a guide to reducing excuses for discrimination against Latinos and people of color, and people in poverty By Salud America! at the University of Texas Health San Antonio (GWEP).

Racial Health Inequities/Racism in Medical Journals

System/Institutional Change

Teaching about racism/bias for staff/faculty/other learners