Action Alerts

Washington Posts –  The Latest:  October 28, 2019

EMPOWER Act Passes House – The EMPOWER for Health Act – H.R. 2781, which reauthorizes the GWEP and GACA programs under Title VII of the Public Health Service Act was passed by the full House of Representatives today by voice vote. The Senate has not yet acted on their bill, but this is a major milestone in the efforts of NAGE, the Eldercare Workforce Alliance, and AGS to secure these programs in statute. Attached is NAGE’s letter of support for the bill. Also to be passed today are: Dignity in Aging Act – H.R. 4334, which reauthorizes the Older Americans Act.; Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2029 – H.R. 728, which authorizes programs under Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act.; and The Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) – H.R.647. Thank you again for your support in this work! Brian W. Lindberg, NAGE Public Policy Advisor 1612 K Street, NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20006 202-789-3606
Keep Reading about Washington Posts –  The Latest:  October 28, 2019

Washington Posts –  The Latest:  October 25, 2019

The EMPOWER for Health Act – The EMPOWER Act – H.R. 2781, which reauthorizes the GWEP and GACA programs under Title VII of the Public Health Service Act will come to the House floor for consideration on Monday afternoon. This is a major milestone in our efforts to secure these programs in statute. Also coming to the floor are the: Dignity in Aging Act – H.R. 4334, which reauthorizes the Older Americans Act.; Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2029 – H.R. 728, which authorizes programs under Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act.; and The Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) – H.R.647. These bills are being considered by the House under suspension of the rules which is used for quick passage when there is broad-based support for a bill. It may be by a simple voice vote or roll call vote, which would need a 2/3 majority to pass. More on Monday… Thanks to all of you who have helped us get this far!...
Keep Reading about Washington Posts –  The Latest:  October 25, 2019

Washington Posts –  The Latest: October 3, 2019

The Budget – On August 2, 2019, the President signed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 (H.R. 3877/Public Law 116-37), which set the parameters for this year’s spending and the 12 appropriations bills that Congress must pass to keep the federal government open.  Speaker Pelosi negotiated the deal with Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin.  This provides us with the total funding levels for FY 2020 and 2021 so that the 2011 Budget Act is no longer relevant, and we will not have cuts or automatic rescissions for these two years.  Appropriations Process – The process continues, but here are the highlights so far: Current GWEP/GACA funding: $40.7 million in FY 2019 final appropriations bill. NAGE requested for appropriations for FY 2020: At least $51 million to support geriatrics programs under the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program in Title VII and Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act.  The House Appropriations Committee with approval by the full House, provided $43,384,000 for the GWEP/GACA, which is $2,647,000 above the fiscal year 2019 enacted level.  This is a very good...
Keep Reading about Washington Posts –  The Latest: October 3, 2019

Washington Posts – The Latest: January 1, 2019

Authorization – There was so much action this past week bullets may summarize this best: First, thanks to those of you who supported our DC work this week as we fought to ensure that important provisions in the original GWEP/GACA bill were included in the bill that the HELP Committee marked-up, particularly thanks to Kate and Catherine.  Late last week we were told in a meeting with Senator Collins’ staff that a bill to reauthorize Title VII of the Public Service Act would be considered by the full HELP Committee on December 12…and that there were several issues that they were still working on with Committee staff. These included changes from the bill we supported (S.299 – Geriatrics Workforce Improvement Act – Collins/Casey): change in funding from $51 million to $40.7 million, a section allowing HRSA to provide an additional $100 K to GWEPS for work to train eldercare workers and family caregivers was removed, and they removed the word gerontology from the bill. During the meeting we and AGS and EWA made the case...
Keep Reading about Washington Posts – The Latest: January 1, 2019