Member Benefits
National Association of Geriatric Education (NAGE) membership is open to all organizations and individuals concerned with geriatric education and/or health care for older adults who have paid the annual membership fee. An annual fee covers membership from July 1st to June 30th.
- facilitates networking & resource exchange with organizations & individuals across the country who are engaged in geriatric education and/or health care for older adults
- facilitates collaboration with other organizations or partners that have an interest in issues related to health care education in geriatrics and gerontology
- supports representation of the collective interests of geriatric education centers to federal and elected officials, and advocacy in Washington D.C. for geriatric education
- provides access to updates regarding current policy at the national level
- offers access to model educational programs, curricula & resources in geriatrics and gerontology
- offers tangible support for the mission and major objectives of NAGE
- enables direct participation in NAGE activities and receipt of NAGE communications
Categories and Membership Fees
National Association of Geriatric Education (NAGE) membership is open to all organizations and individuals concerned with geriatric education and/or health care for elderly persons who have paid the annual membership fee.
Categories of Membership
- Category I – $600: This category of membership is open to any institute, center, department, organization, or institution having an interest in supporting and advancing geriatric education in the United States. These members have the privilege of the floor, may hold office and may vote (one vote per membership).
- Category II – $100: This category of membership is open to any individual who has an interest in supporting and advancing geriatric education in the United States. All individual members shall have the privilege of the floor, but may not hold office in the Corporation nor vote.
- Category III - $50 - This category of membership is open to individuals currently funded by GACAs whose institution is not already a member. All individual members shall have the privilege of the floor, but may not hold office in the Corporation nor vote.
Original applications for membership must be completed by the applicant, accompanied by payment for the current annual membership fee and forwarded to the NAGE Treasurer. Once received, applications are forwarded to the Membership committee for review, then referred to the Board of Directors for approval.
A paid member is a voting member of NAGE! Questions? Contact Patti Swager at