2008–2009 Executive Council

Judith L. Howe, PhD
Consortium of New York GECs
Mt Sinai School of Medicine
Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development
130 W Kingsbridge Rd, 4th Floor
Bronx NY 10468
Judy Howe is the Director of the Consortium of New York Geriatric Education Centers.

Vice President/ President Elect
Jane Potter, MD
University of Nebraska GEC
981320 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha NB 68198
Jane Potter is Director of the University of Nebraska Geriatric Education Center. She looks forward to the opportunity to serve as President Elect.

Jan Yonker, MSA

GEC of Michigan
B215 West Fee Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824
Jan Yonker is the Project Director of the GEC of Michigan She also edits the Pipeline, the NAGE and NAGEC newsletter.

Patricia Swager, MEd
Nevada GEC
411 W. Second Street
Reno, NV 89503
Patti Swager is the Director of the Nevada Geriatric Education Center.

Immediate Past President
Linda Redford, RN, PhD
Central Plains GEC
Kansas University Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160
Linda Redford is the Director of the Central Plains Geriatric Education Center.
NAGE Board Members

Judith L. Howe, PhD

Consortium of New York GECs
Mt Sinai School of Medicine
Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development
130 W Kingsbridge Rd, 4th Floor
Bronx NY 10468
Judy Howe is the Director of the Consortium of New York Geriatric Education Centers.

Vice President/ President Elect
Jane Potter, MD
University of Nebraska GEC
981320 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha NB 68198
Jane Potter is Director of the University of Nebraska Geriatric Education Center. She looks forward to the opportunity to serve as President Elect.

Jan Yonker, MSA

GEC of Michigan
B215 West Fee Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824
Jan Yonker is the Deputy Director of the GEC of Michigan.

Patricia Swager, MEd
Nevada GEC
411 W. Second Street
Reno, NV 89503
Patti Swager is the Director of the Nevada Geriatric Education Center.

Immediate Past President
Linda Redford, RN, PhD

Central Plains GEC
Kansas University Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160
lLinda Redford is the Director of the Central Plains Geriatric Education Center.

Board Member, 2009-2010
Melen McBride, RN, PhD

Stanford GEC
1215 Welch Road, Modular B
Stanford, CA 94304-5403
Melen McBride is the Associate Director (Emerita) of the Stanford Geriatric Education Center.

Board Member, 2006-2009
Arleen Johnson, PhD

Ohio Valley Appalachia Regional GEC
658 South Limestone Street
Lexington, KY 40506
Arleen Johnson is the Director of the Ohio Valley Appalachia Regional Geriatric Education Center.

Board Member, 2007-2010
Thomas Teasdale, DrPH

Oklahoma GEC
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
920 Stanton L Young Blvd
Oklahoma OK 73104
Thomas Teasdale is the Director of the Oklahoma Geriatric Education Center.

Board Member, 2007-2010
Edwin Olsen, JD, MD, MBA
Miami Area Geriatric Education Center
University of Miami
PO Box 016960 (M-865)
Miami, FL 33101
Edwin Olsen is the Director of the Miami Area Geriatric Education Center.

Board Member, 2007-2010
Rosellen Rosich, PhD
Alaska GEC
University of Alaska-Anchorage
2702 Gambelt St Suite 103
Anchorage AK 99503
Rosellen Rosich is the Director of the Alaska Geriatric Education Center.

Board Member, 2008-2011
Christine Arenson, MD

Jefferson InterProfessional Education Center
Thomas Jefferson University
1015 Walnut Street, Suite 401
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Christine Arenson is the Co-Director of the Jefferson InterProfessional Education Center.

Board Member, 2008-2011
Phil Clark, ScD

Rhode Island GEC
Phil Clark is the Director of the Rhode Island Geriatric Education Center.